Friday, February 09, 2007

Paper review 8/2/07

The Telegraph and the Times could report that two people have been released without charge and that questions are being raised about, not only the unnamed briefings to the press but also, the investigation iteslf. But no... they would rather take the opportunity to tell us about those ever-angry Muslims.

Anger at release of two held over ‘beheading plot’ - Times
Muslim leaders reacted with anger last night after two of the nine suspects alleged to be involved in a plot to kidnap and kill a British soldier were released without charge.

Warning over 'beheading plot' arrests - Telegraph
Muslim leaders yesterday warned police of a backlash after two men arrested over an alleged plot to kidnap and behead a Muslim soldier were released without charge.

This is very similar to the Sun's headline and first para:

Muslims' fury at kidnap probe - Sun
MUSLIM leaders have warned of a backlash over the police probe into the alleged plot to kidnap and behead a British soldier.

Whilst the Independent and the Guardian quote from one of the released men, the Times only quotes him in one para. The Telegraph meanwhile is oblivious "The men immediately went into hiding and declined to comment." However, it does quote their lawyer, Gareth Pierce.

The Guardian says "Lurid details of the alleged "beheading" plot were passed to a small group of reporters, before all nine men had been detained... Police have expressed anger at the briefings... Some of the details have since been dismissed as untrue." But not before its says "The Guardian understands that the operation was stepped up in December after one person was seen near a soldier, who was feared to be a potential victim, and another was seen to buy video equipment."

The papers are yet to report that Liberty has written to the Home Secretary and filed a Freedom of Information request relating to unnamed briefings to the press by Whitehall sources.


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