Sunday, February 04, 2007

Telegraph 1/2/07

The Telegraph's headline reads "Beheading plot: security stepped up for Muslim soldiers". The headline gives no indication towards the fact this the plot is being alleged by unnamed sources and has no official credence whatsoever.

The frontapge has a few instances of speculatory language:
"allegedly foiled..."
"allegedly planned..."
"might be targets..."
"suspected plot is said to have..."
"alleged plotters..."
"alleged plotters..."
Page 2:
"alleged plot..."
"would have been..."
"If this proves to be accurate..."

On page 5 Philip Johnston offers some commentary. He cites some previous comments by Dame Manningham-Buller as an intro to his piece but fails to provide any coroboration for his take on the "plot" apart from saying once "police said".


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